IntroductionWe are thankful that you have arrived at this Talking Dictionary. Our hearts feel good to help you. It is good for you to hear our Elders who used the Squamish language since they were children. It will become easier for you to learn if you hear their voices. We recorded the voices of two of our Elders, the late Auntie Margaret Locke and the late Uncle Alex Williams. We also recorded a few words from the late Auntie Stella Newman and the late Auntie Addie Kermeen. Some of the words here are from Sealiya, recorded by the late Auntie Lena Jacobs. The first words of all these Elders was Squamish. They wanted all our people to learn our language. So, continue listening to their voices and copy what they say and your own speaking will get better. Put your all into it!
X̱ats’alánexw Tanáynexw-t (Alex Williams)
Uncle Alex grew up in Siyich’em. When he was growing up his family only spoke the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim: his mother, Monica Williams, his brother Chief David George Williams and his niece, Addie Kermeen. When he was 13, he started working in Brackendale. He taught himself some English by listening to the radio. Uncle was a logger for many years and he worked all over the Squamish and Cheakmus valleys. He contributed to the print version of our dictionary. Uncle Alex felt so strongly about bringing our Squamish language that he worked on this project until just a few months before he passed. He really believed that as the people learn our language again that we will be healed and gain back those teachings which were first taught in the Squamish language.
Nekwsáliya-t (Margaret Locke)
Auntie Margaret Locke was born in Slha7án̓. When she was growing up, she was surrounded by first language speakers of Sḵwx̱wu7mesh. She was very close to her grandfather, Kwiyáchelḵ, Dick Issacs. He spoke Sḵwx̱wú7mesh and only a little bit of English. Auntie also had family from Sechelt and so she grew up knowing some of the Sechelt language as well. Auntie Margaret contributed greatly to our print dictionary and she worked with our Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Language Program for over 25 years. It filled her heart with joy to hear the younger generation learning and speaking our Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim. As a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, she believed that using our Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim would help to even better pass on the teachings that she received from her own elders.
Xwelap’ult-t (Stella Newman)
Auntie Stella’s first language was Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim along with all of her brothers and sisters. Her family, the Lewis family, continued speaking the language to each other throughout their adult lives and so kept the language going. Auntie learned English in school. In her later years, she also worked with the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Sníchim team on our print Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim dictionary. Auntie loved the humour of our language and made sure to pass that on to whoever wanted to learn from her.
Ts’élts’elmaat-t (Addie Kermeen)
Auntie Addie was born in Siy’ích’em. Her first language was Sḵwx̱wú7mesh. She grew in a house surrounded by the language, along with Uncle Alex Williams. Auntie learned English when she went to the Coqualeetza Turbeculosis Hospital when she was 13. Auntie often reminded us how the other Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking elders would call her up just to speak the language. In her retirement years, she also contributed to our print dictionary and a few words of hers are also in this Talking Dictionary.
Aaron Williams
Vanessa Campbell
Victoria Fraser
Lena Jacobs
Rebecca Duncan
Carmelle Joseph
Peter Jacobs
Peter Jacobs - Project Coordinator
Tracy Cameron - Project Support
Norman Guerrero - Recording, splicing
Cara Jefferson - Recording, splicing, database
James Thompson - Database, splicing
Lorraine Louis - Recording, administration
Aaron Williams - Recording
Vanessa Campbell - Recording, project design
Kathy LaRock - Recording
Victoria Fraser - Recording, splicing
Sylvia Joseph - Recording
Kaiya Williams - Recording
Chantel Newman - Recording
Eva Johnston - Recording
Aidan Pine - Mother Tongues Web developer
Carrie Gillon - Project Manager
Karen Ng - Database development
wa kawstm ta swa7ám̓ cht ti syétsem hawḵ nilh es nswa7
The Talking Dictionary is the intellectual property of the Squamish Nation
All rights reserved. The material we share may not be reproduced or distributed to others, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Ta na wa Ns7éyx̱nitm ta Snew̓íyelh/Department of Language and Cultural Affairs.
For further information, contact language_culture@squamish.net
© Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw/Squamish Nation, 2024