
eshíshch’/shíschch’ — be in the bushes

Part of speech: verb(i) = intransitive verb
chen wa nam̓ shishch’ sen kw’áchnexw ti lam̓s ta sesemáy̓
chen wa nam̓ shishch’ s-e-n kw’ach-nexw ti lam̓-s ta sesemáy̓
I imperfective go into.bush nominalizer-auxiliary-my see-tr the bee
I had gone into the bushes when I saw a beehive (a house for the bees).

Word audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)

Word audio by Victoria Fraser (Teacher)

Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)

Sentence audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)

Sentence audio by Victoria Fraser (Teacher)

Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)