iy̓áy̓ulh — be aboard
Part of speech: verb(i) = intransitive verb
iy̓áy̓ulh ti tétxwem - nekw ch’íti kwis nánam̓s
iy̓-áy̓-ulh ti tétxwem - na-kw ch’iti kwi-s ná-nam̓-s
reduplication-hold-canoe the car - present-already close that-nominalizer reduplication-go-his/her
S/he is in the car. They are close to where they’re going.
iy̓-áy̓-ulh ti tétxwem - na-kw ch’iti kwi-s ná-nam̓-s
reduplication-hold-canoe the car - present-already close that-nominalizer reduplication-go-his/her
S/he is in the car. They are close to where they’re going.
Word audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Word audio by Aaron Williams (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Sentence audio by Aaron Williams (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)