kw’ích’in — cut open/clean an animal
Part of speech: verb(t) = transitive verb
ses men kw’ích’intas álhi asxw
s-e-s men kw’ích’-in-t-as álhi asxw
nominalizer-auxiliary-his then cut-tr-tr-he that(fem) seal
Then he cut open that (female) seal.
s-e-s men kw’ích’-in-t-as álhi asxw
nominalizer-auxiliary-his then cut-tr-tr-he that(fem) seal
Then he cut open that (female) seal.
Word audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Word audio by Victoria Fraser (Teacher)
Word audio by anon (Community)
Sentence audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Sentence audio by Victoria Fraser (Teacher)
Sentence audio by anon (Community)