kwums — move it away from the water, take it off a canoe, unload it from a vehicle
Part of speech: verb(t) = transitive verb
na m̓i kwúmstem ti stseḵ
na m̓i kwúm-s-t-em ti s-tseḵ
past come away.from.shore-causative-tr-intr the
They brought the trees away from the water
na m̓i kwúm-s-t-em ti s-tseḵ
past come away.from.shore-causative-tr-intr the
They brought the trees away from the water
Word audio by Aaron Williams (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Sentence audio by Aaron Williams (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)