múkwuts — kiss
Part of speech: verb(i) = intransitive verb
na nám̓wit ta kwukwáw̓txw wa múkwuts
na nám̓-wit ta kwukw-áw̓txw wa múkwu-ts
past go-pl the cook-building imperfective wrap-mouth
They went to the kitchen to kiss.
na nám̓-wit ta kwukw-áw̓txw wa múkwu-ts
past go-pl the cook-building imperfective wrap-mouth
They went to the kitchen to kiss.
Word audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Word audio by Peter Jacobs (Teacher)
Word audio by anon (Community)
Sentence audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Sentence audio by Peter Jacobs (Teacher)
Sentence audio by anon (Community)