neḵ’álhentsut — put oneself in the way
Part of speech: verb(i) = intransitive verb
na neḵ’álhentsut m̓i xwítim
na neḵ’álh-en-tsut m̓i xwít-im
past come jump-intr
She put herself in the way, starting to jump.
na neḵ’álh-en-tsut m̓i xwít-im
past come jump-intr
She put herself in the way, starting to jump.
Word audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Word audio by Peter Jacobs (Teacher)
Word audio by anon (Community)
Sentence audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Sentence audio by Peter Jacobs (Teacher)
Sentence audio by anon (Community)