séselḵw — lonely, sad
Part of speech: adjective
na nam̓ huyá7 kwétsi síiyay̓s - na melh nch’nch’u7 welh séselḵw
na nam̓ huyá7 kwétsi s-í-iyay̓-s - na melh nch’-nch’-u7 wa-lh sé-selḵw
past go leave that nominalier-reduplication-friend-his - past then reduplication-one-suffix imperfective-nominalizer reduplication-lonely
His friends left so we was alone and lonesome.
na nam̓ huyá7 kwétsi s-í-iyay̓-s - na melh nch’-nch’-u7 wa-lh sé-selḵw
past go leave that nominalier-reduplication-friend-his - past then reduplication-one-suffix imperfective-nominalizer reduplication-lonely
His friends left so we was alone and lonesome.
Word audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Word audio by Rebecca Duncan (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Rebecca Duncan (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)