shú7shukw’um — be bathing
Part of speech: verb(i) = intransitive verb
na nam̓ shú7shukw’um esḵw’ú7 tl’a nímalh
na nam̓ shú7-shukw’-um es-ḵw’ú7 tl’a nímalh
past go reduplication-bathe-intr stative-together oblique.the us
She went bathing with us.
na nam̓ shú7-shukw’-um es-ḵw’ú7 tl’a nímalh
past go reduplication-bathe-intr stative-together oblique.the us
She went bathing with us.
Word audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Word audio by Rebecca Duncan (Teacher)
Word audio by anon (Community)
Sentence audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Sentence audio by Rebecca Duncan (Teacher)
Sentence audio by anon (Community)