sḵ’ápitaxw — (old-style) knife
Part of speech: noun
na7, men m̓ishexw kwétsi sḵ’ápitaxw
na7, men m̓i-s-chexw kwétsi s-ḵ’ápitaxw
there.is, just come-causative-you that nominalizer-knife
Yes, could you pass the (old-style) knife.
na7, men m̓i-s-chexw kwétsi s-ḵ’ápitaxw
there.is, just come-causative-you that nominalizer-knife
Yes, could you pass the (old-style) knife.
Word audio by Rebecca Duncan (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Rebecca Duncan (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)