sútich — north wind
Part of speech: noun
kwétsi sútich, na yáḵ’antas kwétsi stséḵtseḵ
kwétsi sútich, na yáḵ’-an-t-as kwétsi s-tséḵ-tseḵ
that north.wind, present fall.down-tr-tr-it that nominalizer-reduplication-be.in.position
The north wind, it’s toppling the trees.
kwétsi sútich, na yáḵ’-an-t-as kwétsi s-tséḵ-tseḵ
that north.wind, present fall.down-tr-tr-it that nominalizer-reduplication-be.in.position
The north wind, it’s toppling the trees.
Word audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Word audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Word audio by anon (Community)
Sentence audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Sentence audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Sentence audio by anon (Community)