tsexws — throw something
Part of speech: verb(t) = transitive verb
na wa tséxwstas ta pal sa stá7uxwlh
na wa tséxw-s-t-as ta pal sa s-tá7uxwlh
present imperfective throw-causative-tr-he/she the ball the nominalizer-children
The children are throwing the ball.
na wa tséxw-s-t-as ta pal sa s-tá7uxwlh
present imperfective throw-causative-tr-he/she the ball the nominalizer-children
The children are throwing the ball.
Word audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Sentence audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)