wáshan̓ — clear something away, remove something (from the fire)
Part of speech: verb(t) = transitive verb
nam̓ chexw wáshan̓ ta ḵ’ay̓ḵ
nam̓ chexw wásh-an̓ ta ḵ’ay̓-ḵ
go you put.in.the.background-tr the be.high.up-bottom
Go and clear the chair off!
nam̓ chexw wásh-an̓ ta ḵ’ay̓-ḵ
go you put.in.the.background-tr the be.high.up-bottom
Go and clear the chair off!
Word audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Alex Williams (Elder)
Sentence audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)