x̱wex̱wey̓ám̓ — tell a story
Part of speech: verb(i) = intransitive verb
chen x̱wex̱wey̓ám̓ ta asxw
chen x̱wex̱wíy̓-ám̓ ta asxw
I tell.a.story-intr the seal
I’m going to tell a story about a seal.
chen x̱wex̱wíy̓-ám̓ ta asxw
I tell.a.story-intr the seal
I’m going to tell a story about a seal.
Word audio by Lena Jacobs (Elder)
Word audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Word audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)
Sentence audio by Khelsilem (Teacher)
Sentence audio by Carmelle Joseph (Community)